
It's September 30th, the last day of the month.  Wow!  The weeks flew by and autumn has officially begun.  The leaves are beginning to turn their shades of fall colors and the little creatures are seen in my front yard gathering food in the pouches of their cheeks to store for the winter months. 

Not only is today the last day of the month, but it is also the last day of the work week.  And, l must admit to you that it has been an extremely full and eventful week at that!  Monday, I spent a productive afternoon with our amazing editor.  Tuesday, a very dear high school friend came from Pennsylvania to visit for the day.  Wednesday, our grandson's, Aidan, #adoption was finalized!!  Yay!  Thursday, my birth daughter, Heather, was adopted by my terrific husband, Jim, now legally her dad. (I had always dreamed of adopting or having a child with my remarkable husband.  Dreams do come true and we have a child together.  Of course, all our children are "ours" but Heather is now in all ways ours.)  Friday, I am recovering from the enormous excitement, activity, and emotional highs.

As I reflect over the course of the past five days, I am reminded that "In love He predestined us for adoptions as [children] through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of His will, to the praise of His glorious grace." (Ephesians 1:4-6)  We, all of us, are in some way adopted and we adopt others.  Whether through friendship or adding family members, we choose, we #adopt, the people who will be important in our lives.  Even our #pets of all shapes, sizes, and species are adopted into our families.  For this, I am eternally grateful.  Because of this, my family has been blessed and enriched beyond measure.

I encourage everyone to adopt, to gain the richness of love and acceptance.  Adding or rescuing only increases the love given and the love received.  What a gift - adoption.

Heather, Aidan Orlando (nine and a half months), Julius, and Ava Constance (3 year ).

Heather, Aidan Orlando (nine and a half months), Julius, and Ava Constance (3 year ).

Dad, Heather, and Mom!  (Aidan was zonked out from his celebration the day before and slept through this entire hearing!)  We are truly blessed.

Dad, Heather, and Mom!  (Aidan was zonked out from his celebration the day before and slept through this entire hearing!)  We are truly blessed.

Progress on Hogan's Hope continues

I haven't posted for a week mostly because I have been studying, listening, learning, and working with my amazing editor, Deb Miles.  It's humbling to hear where improvements need to made or changes need to occur in my manuscript.  And, if I truly want Hogan's story to be told in the very best and engaging manner, I must be open and willing to put forth the effort.  I'd love to have it all done "tomorrow" but realize that taking the right amount of time to do it right will be in the long run the only way to go.  Not rushing will help ensure that Deb and I will produce the desired outcome in Hogan's legendary tale. 

I have to remember, too, that I am a first-time author and mustn't be too hard on myself - of course, I sometimes give in to the temptation to hit myself upside the head with criticism and doubt.  The other day when I was "beating myself up," I picked up D. Margaret Hoffman's book, Saving Our Lives.  What an inspirational boost!  We all have an author inside of us and forward I go to reach the goal of bringing hope into the lives of anyone in the quest for love and acceptance.  God bless you all.