University Students Learn Sign Language to Talk with Deaf Dogs
Deaf dogs are often mistreated, abused, and abandoned. Many believe that deaf dogs should be destroyed. The myths that surround our deaf dogs are just that - myths. The notions that they are dumb, can't learn, more apt to bite, or be hit by cars are not true. My heart overflows with joyknowing that these misnomers are being corrected and deaf dog organizations and groups continue the work to rescue rejected pups. Since 1994 when Hogan began to visit public and private schools, organizations, hospitals, nursing homes, and universities, many more people are realizing that these wonderful animals are intelligent, loving, and very capable of learning. The key is good communication through sign language, understanding, acceptance, and love. The love that they return is inspiring and unconditional.
"There are none so deaf than those who refuse to listen." (adapted) Matthew Henry
"Let those with ears, hear." Revelations 3:22a
If we "listen" to our special pups, they can teach us so much.