
Deaf Dog on Lauren's Crazy Pet Show

Lauren Collier visited our home to highlight how wonderfully special our deaf dogs are in our families. She called our Judea, my service dog extraordinaire, a “Miracle Dog!” Of course, I completely agree.

Judea came into our lives at eight-weeks of age. She had been discarded because she was deaf. The Dalmatian rescue group in Pennsylvania knew about Hogan, our first deaf dog, who made international fame and brought international attention to these special family members. After calling us and inquiring if we would be willing to adopt a deaf puppy, my husband, Jim, and I were filled with great excitement. We drove from Connecticut to Pennsylvania, taking Clarence, my yellow Labrador and service dog, along to meet his new sister. The rest is history.

Watch and enjoy!

Foods, Plants, and Other Things Our Dogs Can't Eat

Judea, our deaf dog, who loves to run, play, cuddle, and take walks.

Judea, our deaf dog, who loves to run, play, cuddle, and take walks.

If you are anything like me, I read, read, read, and read some more to make sure that I am doing everything that I possibly can to keep my precious Judea safe and healthy. Having her live the longest and healthiest life is my ultimate goal, wanting her with me for many years to come. And I’ll do anything to make that happen. Often, I come across articles with great information about the food or plant items that pose dangers and have been offered a comprehensive list by Chinaza Ekwuribe, “All things dog and beautiful,” to share with everyone. I hope that you find this as a fast, go-to guide. Be sure to visit the complete article which gives great supplemental information on each item.

“There are none so deaf than those who refuse to listen.”

The link to the complete article: 197 Items dogs can't eat

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