
Deaf Dog to the Rescue

The love between a dog and his human has no boundaries or limitations. When I see, hear about, or read an amazing story of our deaf pups that is inspiring, I am compelled to share it with as many others that I possibly can. Like the message in our book, Hogan’s Hope, my prayer is that by doing this, the myths and barriers will be broken through and discarded. This story is copied from the wonderful writing of Katherine Rodriguez for BREITBART news.

by Katherine Rodriguez December 30, 2018

by Katherine Rodriguez December 30, 2018

Deaf Dog Hailed a Hero for Saving Couple from House Fire

A deaf dog is being hailed as a hero for saving the lives of a couple who escaped a fire that broke out in their New Hampshire home on Saturday.

The Barnstead Fire Department told WMUR that the home burst into flames around 4 a.m. Saturday. Once fire crews arrived at the scene, the flames fully encased the home and the surrounding structures.

Fire officials said none of the smoke detectors in the house were working, but the deaf dog alerted the house residents to the fire in time for them to escape.

“Without the working smoke detectors and without that dog, it is unlikely they would have made it out of the building,” said Deputy Fire Chief John Drew.

Firefighters spent an hour-and-a-half putting out the two-alarm fire. Drew added that two of the firefighters on scene went to the hospital for treatment and were later released.

Even though the couple and the dog survived the fire, several other pets did not, and the house was completely destroyed.

Firefighters are currently investigating the cause of the inferno.

Other deaf dogs have proven to their owners that they really are man’s best friend by rescuing humans in their time of need.

In April, a deaf and blind dog in Australia remained by a three-year-old girl’s side after she wandered away from home. The dog stayed with her until she was found.

Courtesy of BREITBART Katherine Rodiguez

One Dog's Purpose

This is a remarkable story that I am compelled to share. The writer requested everyone to share with friends and so I do.  Source: Pawpulous

This is a remarkable story that I am compelled to share. The writer requested everyone to share with friends and so I do.  Source: Pawpulous

"Gumby is a dog of action that could not be contained. As a hound, he had the tendency to wander. And over the years he became quite the escape artist. According to BarkPost, Gumby was about 3 or 4-year-olds when he was found wandering the streets of South Carolina and taken in by the Charleston Animal Society.

He was handsome, healthy, and exceptionally friendly, so the staff at the Charleston Animal Society didn’t think twice about whether or not he’d be adopted.

And he was. They just miscalculated how long he would be adopted for. His first adoption lasted an entire three days. His second adoption only lasted six days.

Gumby spent the next two years being adopted and returned back to the shelter. He was taken back by to the shelter his adoptive parents eight times and was picked up off of the street three times.

His adoptive families just didn’t know what to do with him because he would constantly escape.

Finally one of the staff members at Charleston Animal Society figured out why Gumby would always return to the shelter.

“He knows he has work to do,” Behavior Team Leader Donya Satriale said.

It was discovered that Gumby had a special skill. The Charleston Animal Society’s staff discovered that Gumby is an empath and has the ability to comfort incoming dogs who are experiencing fear and anxiety.

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So instead of continuing to try and place Gumby in a new home, he now works with Satriale on her team and lives in the shelter. He serves as the “Ambassa-Dog” and helps with behavioral demonstrations and helping new dogs adjust.

Thankfully, the Charleston Animal Society is a no-kill shelter. If they hadn’t been, Gumby may have faced a different fate.

Gumby also has a second job at the Charleston Animal Society. He helps to heal sick kittens with eye infections. Gumby donates blood every two weeks which is used to help the cats get over their infections.

“Gumby gives back! Remember Gumby the white hound who returned to the shelter 11 times and now is our playgroup King?” the Charleston Animal Society wrote on their Facebook page. “Well, he is now a blood donor for kittens with eye infections! We draw his blood every two weeks extract the white blood cells from his blood and administer to the kittens’ eyes! (Healing eye drops) The serum from his blood has healing properties! Opie will heal faster.”

You can help the Charleston Animal Society help dogs like Gumby by checking out their website and making a donation here."

"Please SHARE this with your friends and family."

Source: Pawpulous

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We all have a wonderful purpose and Grumpy shows us that every one of God's creations is special, unique, worthy, and acceptable.