Children will learn that with hope, anything is possible. They will also learn that everyone, two-legged or four-legged, is worthy of love and acceptance no matter what the differences. In fact, our differences make us very special.
Judea, Bombaci’s deaf dog, will entertain the students by demonstrating her ability to understand American Sign Language and perform a variety of tasks and “tricks.” The youngsters will also be able to interact with this special pup, learning to sign to her.
"Our second graders were transfixed by Connie's moving story of Hogan and her accompanying videos showcasing his amazing journey. Her mantra of how essential it is to accept and love others was threaded throughout her presentation. When Judea came out to meet the students, it was as though we'd all won the love lottery! I can't describe the joy in the room. This was one of the most meaningful experiences by a guest author I've had in my 17 years in elementary education."
Judy Nacca, Literacy Coach
Burr District Elementary School